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Pesticides in stormwater runoff−A mini review

Cheng Chen, Wenshan Guo, Huu Hao Ngo

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2019, Volume 13, Issue 5, doi: 10.1007/s11783-019-1150-3

Abstract: • The sources and pathways of pesticides into stormwater runoff were diverse. • Factors affecting pesticidesin stormwater runoff were critically reviewed. • Pesticides mitigation strategies were included in thisreview. • The current knowledge gap of the pesticides in stormwater runoff was identified.This paper reviewed the presence of pesticides in stormwater runoff in both rural and urban areas.Influential factors affecting pesticides in stormwater runoff were critically identified as: 1) characteristics

Keywords: Pesticide     Stormwater runoff     Occurrence     Urban runoff    

Transferral of HMs pollution from road-deposited sediments to stormwater runoff during transport processes

Qian Wang, Qionghua Zhang, Mawuli Dzakpasu, Nini Chang, Xiaochang Wang

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2019, Volume 13, Issue 1, doi: 10.1007/s11783-019-1091-x


Ratio of turbidity and TSS (Tur/TSS) was used to characterize PSD of stormwater particles.

Pb and Zn preferred to accumulate in finer RDS, while Cu, Cr and Ni in coarser RDS.

HMs pollution in stormwater particles increased linearly with Tur/TSS.

Dissolvability of HMs and PSD variations contribute to the differences between RDS and stormwater.

Keywords: Road-deposited sediment     Stormwater runoff     Heavy metal     Particle size     Pollution variation    

Advances in LID BMPs research and practice for urban runoff control in China

Haifeng JIA, Hairong YAO, Shaw L. YU

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2013, Volume 7, Issue 5,   Pages 709-720 doi: 10.1007/s11783-013-0557-5

Abstract: In particular, urban runoff quantity and quality control have emerged as one of the key concerns foruse of a Low Impact Development type of Best Management Practices (LID BMPs) for urban storm water runoffIn this paper, the situation surrounding urban runoff control in China is reviewed first.The LID BMPs are then introduced to control urban runoff in the context of urban sustainable water systemscomprehensive analysis of the various LID BMPs, the advances in LID BMPs research and practice for urban runoff

Keywords: urbanization     urban runoff control     Low Impact Development type of Best Management Practices (LID BMPs)    

Removal of non-point pollutants from bridge runoff by a hydrocyclone using natural water head

Jianghua YU, Yeonseok KIM, Youngchul KIM

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2013, Volume 7, Issue 6,   Pages 886-895 doi: 10.1007/s11783-012-0449-0

Abstract: hydrocyclone using natural water head provided by bridge was operated for the treatment of stormwater runoffThe analysis of the water budget indicated that around 13% of the total runoff was captured by the hydrocycloneas a first flush, and this runoff was separated as underflow and overflow with the respective percentagefirst flush as solids-concentrated underflow and solids-absent overflow, and effectively reduced the runoff

Keywords: first flush     hydrocyclone     non-point pollution     removal efficiency     stormwater runoff    

Hydrologic and water quality performance of alaboratory scale bioretention unit

Jun Xia, Hongping Wang, RichardL. Stanford, Guoyan Pan, Shaw L. Yu

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2018, Volume 12, Issue 1, doi: 10.1007/s11783-018-1011-5

Abstract: A bioretention unit (BRU) or cell is a green infrastructurepractice that is widely used as a low impact development (LID) techniquefor urban stormwater management. Bioretention is considered a goodfit for use in China’s sponge city construction projects. However,studies on bioretention design, which incorporates site-specific environmentaland social-economic conditions in China are still very much needed.In this study, an experimental BRU, consisted of two cells plantedwith and ,was tested with eighteen synthesizedstorm events. Three levels (high, median, low) of flows and concentrationsof pollutants (TN, TP and COD) were fed to the BRU and the performanceof which was examined. The results showed that the BRU not only delayedand lowered the peak flows but also removed TN, TP and COD in variousways and to different extents. Under the high, medium and low inflowrate conditions, the outflow peaks were delayed for at least 13 minutesand lowered at least 52%. The two cells stored a maximum of 231 mmand 265 mm for turf grass and respectively. For both cells the total depth available for storagewas 1,220 mm, including a maximum 110 mm deep ponding area. The largestinfiltrate rate was 206 mm/h for both cells with different plants.For the eighteen events, TP and COD were removed at least 60% and42% by mean concentration, and 65% and 49% by total load, respectively.In the reservoir layer, the efficiency ratio of removal of TN, TPand COD were 52%, 8% and 38%, respectively, within 5 days after runoffevents stopped. Furthermore, the engineering implication of the hydrologicaland water quality performances in sponge city construction projectsis discussed.

Keywords: Bioretention unit     Spongecity     Stormwater runoff     Peak reduction     Pollutant removal    

Analysis of rainfall runoff characteristics from a subtropical urban lawn catchment in South-east China

Jinliang HUANG, Zhenshun TU, Pengfei DU, Qingsheng LI, Jie LIN

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2012, Volume 6, Issue 4,   Pages 531-539 doi: 10.1007/s11783-010-0287-x

Abstract: Characteristics of rainfall runoff from a 3.26?Water quality and quantity measurements of rainfall runoff were conducted for ten rainfall events overdistinctive first-flush effects except for the rainfall events with the longest rainfall duration and largest runoffvolume, which was verified by the fact that the first 30% runoff volume (FF30) carried 39.36% of theMultivariate regression analysis further demonstrated that the total runoff volume had a positive correlation

Keywords: rainfall runoff     first flush     pollution characteristics     urban lawn catchment    


Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2023, Volume 10, Issue 4,   Pages 553-565 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2023519


The growing need to mitigate rainfall-runoff pollution, especially first flush, calls for accurateThe wash-off model has advantages in modeling rainfall-runoff pollution due to the inclusion of two keyHowever, this disregards pollution load from wet precipitation and the relationship between rainfall and runoffSCS-CN) into the wash-off model and added pollutant load from wet precipitation to enhance the rainfall-runoffFrom this, it was found that 12% of the total runoff contained 80% to 95% of the total load for chemical

Keywords: Erhai Lake     field experiment     non-point source     pollution load     rainfall runoff     wash-off model    

Effects of alfalfa coverage on runoff, erosion and hydraulic characteristics of overland flow on loess

Shufang WU, Pute WU, Hao FENG, G. P. Merkley

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2011, Volume 5, Issue 1,   Pages 76-83 doi: 10.1007/s11783-011-0282-x

Abstract: An experiment was conducted to study water infiltration, runoff generation process, rate of sedimentThe effect of alfalfa on runoff and sediment transport reduction was quantitatively analyzed.Alfalfa was discussed for its ability to reduce the overland flow scouring force or change the runoffIn addition, alfalfa had a significant effect on runoff and sediment yield.The runoff generated from the alfalfa and bare-soil plots had similar trends with an initial increase

Keywords: alfalfa     soil erosion     runoff and sedimentation     soil water infiltration     overland flow     hydrodynamic characteristics    

Integrated uncertain models for runoff forecasting and crop planting structure optimization of the Shiyang

Fan ZHANG, Mo LI, Shanshan GUO, Chenglong ZHANG, Ping GUO

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2018, Volume 5, Issue 2,   Pages 177-187 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2017177

Abstract: To improve the accuracy of runoff forecasting, an uncertain multiple linear regression (UMLR) model isThe developed system, in which the UMLR model for runoff forecasting and the ITSP model for crop plantingsystem is to optimize crops planting area with limited available water resources base on the downstream runoff

Keywords: crop planting structure optimization     inexact two-stage stochastic programming     runoff forecasting     Shiyang    

Can floor-area-ratio incentive promote low impact development in a highly urbanized area? —A case study in Changzhou City, China

Ming Cheng, Huapeng Qin, Kangmao He, Hongliang Xu

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2018, Volume 12, Issue 2, doi: 10.1007/s11783-017-1002-y

Abstract: As an environmental friendly measure for surface runoff reduction, low impact development (LID) has beenreduction goal achieving by LID practices and the incentive of awarding FAR to promote LID constructionreduction under various LID designs and then derive the Pareto-optimal solutions to achieve urban runoffreduction goals based on cost efficiency.The results indicates that the maximum surface runoff reduction is 20.5%.

Keywords: Low impact development     Runoff reduction     Incentive     Floor area ratio     SUSTAIN(System for Urban Stormwater    

Enhanced LSTM Model for Daily Runoff Prediction in the Upper Huai River Basin, China Article

Yuanyuan Man, Qinli Yang, Junming Shao, Guoqing Wang, Linlong Bai, Yunhong Xue

Engineering 2023, Volume 24, Issue 5,   Pages 230-239 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2021.12.022


Runoff prediction is of great significance to flood defense.However, due to the complexity and randomness of the runoff process, it is hard to predict daily runoffaccurately, especially for peak runoff.To address this issue, this study proposes an enhanced long short-term memory (LSTM) model for runoff's prediction while weakening the weight of the normal runoff's prediction.

Keywords: Runoff prediction     Long short-term memory     Upper Huai River Basin     Extreme runoff     Loss function    

Ammonia and phosphorus removal from agricultural runoff using cash crop waste-derived biochars

Alisa Salimova, Jian’e Zuo, Fenglin Liu, Yajiao Wang, Sike Wang, Konstantin Verichev

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2020, Volume 14, Issue 3, doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1225-1

Abstract: . • The real runoff experiment showed an ammonia nitrogen removal rate of about 80%. • The removal rateof total phosphorus in real runoff experiment was about crop residuals is an economical and practical technology for removing nutrients from agricultural runoffThe simulated runoff infiltration experiment showed that 97.3% of ammonia was removed by Al-modified

Keywords: Biochar     Adsorption     Ammonia removal     Phosphorus removal     Agricultural runoff    

Stormwater runoff pollution loads from an urban catchment with rainy climate in China

Liqing LI, Baoqing SHAN, Chenqing YIN

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2012, Volume 6, Issue 5,   Pages 672-677 doi: 10.1007/s11783-012-0447-2

Abstract: Stormwater runoff from an urban catchment with a combined sewer system was sampled and analyzed overThe first flush of COD and SS was significant in all runoff events.More than 50% of the SS and COD loads were transported by the first 30% of runoff volume.

Keywords: combined sewer overflow     pollution load     first flush     detention basins    

Evaluation of SWAT sub-daily runoff estimation at small agricultural watershed in Korea

Ganga Ram Maharjan, Youn Shik Park, Nam Won Kim, Dong Seok Shin, Jae Wan Choi, Geun Woo Hyun, Ji-Hong Jeon, Yong Sik Ok, Kyoung Jae Lim

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2013, Volume 7, Issue 1,   Pages 109-119 doi: 10.1007/s11783-012-0418-7

Abstract: A study was undertaken for the prediction of runoff flow from 0.8 ha field-sized agricultural watershedprecipitation record for SWAT sub-daily with Green-Ampt infiltration method was proven to be efficient for runoff

Keywords: Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)     sub-daily simulation     runoff     rainfall    

Study on Fuzzy Multi-objective SCE-UA Optimization Methodfor Rainfall-Runoff Models

Li Xiangyang,Cheng Chuntian,Wu Xinyu,Lin Jianyi

Strategic Study of CAE 2007, Volume 9, Issue 3,   Pages 52-57

Abstract: In this paper, a fuzzy multi-objective SCE-UA(FMOSCE-UA) optimization method for rainfall-runoff models

Keywords: rainfall-runoff model     calibration     fuzzy multi-objective optimization     SCE-UA    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Pesticides in stormwater runoff−A mini review

Cheng Chen, Wenshan Guo, Huu Hao Ngo

Journal Article

Transferral of HMs pollution from road-deposited sediments to stormwater runoff during transport processes

Qian Wang, Qionghua Zhang, Mawuli Dzakpasu, Nini Chang, Xiaochang Wang

Journal Article

Advances in LID BMPs research and practice for urban runoff control in China

Haifeng JIA, Hairong YAO, Shaw L. YU

Journal Article

Removal of non-point pollutants from bridge runoff by a hydrocyclone using natural water head

Jianghua YU, Yeonseok KIM, Youngchul KIM

Journal Article

Hydrologic and water quality performance of alaboratory scale bioretention unit

Jun Xia, Hongping Wang, RichardL. Stanford, Guoyan Pan, Shaw L. Yu

Journal Article

Analysis of rainfall runoff characteristics from a subtropical urban lawn catchment in South-east China

Jinliang HUANG, Zhenshun TU, Pengfei DU, Qingsheng LI, Jie LIN

Journal Article


Journal Article

Effects of alfalfa coverage on runoff, erosion and hydraulic characteristics of overland flow on loess

Shufang WU, Pute WU, Hao FENG, G. P. Merkley

Journal Article

Integrated uncertain models for runoff forecasting and crop planting structure optimization of the Shiyang

Fan ZHANG, Mo LI, Shanshan GUO, Chenglong ZHANG, Ping GUO

Journal Article

Can floor-area-ratio incentive promote low impact development in a highly urbanized area? —A case study in Changzhou City, China

Ming Cheng, Huapeng Qin, Kangmao He, Hongliang Xu

Journal Article

Enhanced LSTM Model for Daily Runoff Prediction in the Upper Huai River Basin, China

Yuanyuan Man, Qinli Yang, Junming Shao, Guoqing Wang, Linlong Bai, Yunhong Xue

Journal Article

Ammonia and phosphorus removal from agricultural runoff using cash crop waste-derived biochars

Alisa Salimova, Jian’e Zuo, Fenglin Liu, Yajiao Wang, Sike Wang, Konstantin Verichev

Journal Article

Stormwater runoff pollution loads from an urban catchment with rainy climate in China

Liqing LI, Baoqing SHAN, Chenqing YIN

Journal Article

Evaluation of SWAT sub-daily runoff estimation at small agricultural watershed in Korea

Ganga Ram Maharjan, Youn Shik Park, Nam Won Kim, Dong Seok Shin, Jae Wan Choi, Geun Woo Hyun, Ji-Hong Jeon, Yong Sik Ok, Kyoung Jae Lim

Journal Article

Study on Fuzzy Multi-objective SCE-UA Optimization Methodfor Rainfall-Runoff Models

Li Xiangyang,Cheng Chuntian,Wu Xinyu,Lin Jianyi

Journal Article